drawing of dog in notebook

OK, so the new site logo is now up and on the site, it took a couple of days longer than anticipated but it is now done.

Above is the new logo, I dig it, it is pretty simple but I wanted it to be just that. I will likely increase its size a little bit but that will be about it.

So at one point I had my little art studio in the loft area of my house but I decided that I would move it downstairs to a spare bedroom now turned home office/studio, but after some time and adding more things to that home office/studio it is time to move it back up to the loft where I will have somewhere near 1000 sq ft to play with in two rooms and turning the room downstairs back into a spare bedroom. The fun part is now I have to move all the stuff up stairs. I wanted to finish it before the end of this week because I leave to travel for my full time gig on Sunday, not sure its going to happen by then, but going to give it a good old college try as I have a decent amount of time to do it tomorrow.

I am happy that the weather where I am going is going to be decent, though supposed to possibly rain a couple days here and there. But all good. I will spend most of my time indoors. I also had to find a decent gym to workout at while there being I am still doing a contest prep which I have maybe about 10 weeks to shed 8% body fat, so that is going to be a chore. The next two weeks are going to make a huge difference because in my attempt to eat good and clean I and be able to move a lot more I am hoping to drop 5+ by the time I return, is it possible, I think so.

I also plan on doing some practicing with art related stuff, as there are things I want to work on improving this year and I should be able to make a decent amount of time to do just that.

Well this will be all for now.


By DavidDWhite.Art

Artist returning to creating new art after many years away from doing so and working on doing new things as I relearn these old skills.