I am going to take this as a win for myself but I have now posted within two weeks of one another. My goal is to move it to once a week. And hopefully some of those posts will eventually just include a link to a VLog which I post on YouTube, as that is something I also want to start doing along with the writing here.
Something I found recently is another easel from Meeden, my current one is from them as well but this one is a bit better, as I bought the first as one that would just be inexpensive and do what I needed it to, now I want one that does a bit more, so on this wish list from Amazon I am going to share here is that easel and other things.
This has some items that I would like to have but don’t as of yet.
I did also manage to finally start another canvas, don’t have any pictures of that as of yet to post here, but once I get it more done I will post something of it.
This was just a quick update and to post this link.
Later All
DavidDWhite Art