person doodling on a booklet

So it has been literally months since I have posted an update here, which proves how bad I am at this for sure. It is something I am working on though and trying to get better at it.

But as far as my art goes I am still painting, usually slowly but I do have two new pieces that I will be hopefully posting up here next week as well as updating all the pictures for each of the other paintings so that they look a bit better than they do currently.

One of the things I have to start doing which I haven’t been doing as of yet is starting a sketchbook and actually practicing my drawing, something I seriously need to brush up on as it has been decades since I have drawn anything at all other than digital drawings for work. I sketched some of the stuff I did for work years ago before creating the digital drawings, but that was like 2 decades ago. That is something I plan on starting shortly and making a regular habit of it going forward.

Just a short update for now, maybe more next time or maybe I stick to short updates in order to make sure I just keep posting.

Oh one other update, a big one for me, I celebrated 15 years clean and sober!

Later, David

By DavidDWhite.Art

Artist returning to creating new art after many years away from doing so and working on doing new things as I relearn these old skills.