It has been quite a while since I have posted anything here on the blog and that is seriously my fault because I just haven’t taken the time to do so, and for 2025 I am going to attempt to be better at that for sure.

For this year I want to attempt to get at least 1 new piece done per month throughout the entire year, which means I am already behind at this point but that is OK I will make up for it by doing 2 pieces either this month or next to be on track.

Another thing I am going to attempt to get going is adding some I guess swag of sorts; I am going to create some digital stuff to have printed on various items and make each digital piece be a limited run. I will be adding a shop page for that which is separate from my artwork. This in turn will help me earn some extra money from the artwork that I am creating in the hope that I can add a decent amount of extra income while providing something tangential for people to purchase. I am hoping to get at least the first design up and available next week or the week after. The goal will be to have maybe somewhere around 25 designs available for sale and limit each one to maybe 500 pieces total across all the things I will make the design available on.

Next thing I plan on doing this coming year is to work on getting back my drawing skills, mostly figure drawing in particular, this was something I was pretty good at once upon a time but with years of not doing any such thing I am quite the bit rusty at all that and I want to get really good at it. I will be posting some of that stuff up here as I create it.

And the last thing I am going to try and do is get a YouTube channel up and running and doing at least one vlog style post per week on that. I do not have a timeline for that at this time, but something I hope to get at least the first one up by late this month or early next.

OK, this is all for now.

By DavidDWhite.Art

Artist returning to creating new art after many years away from doing so and working on doing new things as I relearn these old skills.